Monday, July 6, 2009


Making memories can be free or almost free. The focus isn't on the money but on the child. Laney loves to play in the sand, so we created a personal sand box out of a shallow Rubbermaid tub with a lid and several small items for play. The rewards have been huge! She plays with the tub in the backyard daily and enjoys the occasional addition of new items to extend her play. She smiles as she sifts, pours dumps and moves sand. Making the sandbox was well worth the effort and has been paid off with many happy smiles and experiences.

Tons of fun for kids

Close your eyes and think back to your childhood
Take some mental snapshots of your favorite memories...
There are probably some smells and feelings that come to mind
It's likely that these favorite memories aren't full of the most expensive games or activities
but revolve around:
people that loved you
new experiences
exciting activities
and really simple moments captured forever:
like the taste of a bottled Coke,
lemonade from your own stand,
the feel of sand under your feet,
the melting ice cream cone that trickled down your hand
the smells of Christmas cookies,
or the ocean
the sound of a seashell
or the "ready or not here I come" when you were in the best hiding place
and the sights of fireflies twinkling away
or the smile on your favorite relative's face.
These are the same things that will provide the best memories for our kids; time, affection and beautiful moments.